Monday, July 6, 2009

Palin couldn't...

find a babysitter to be a mother to her son...her daughter who has been the raiser of the children now has her own child and life...

wow...maybe palin should be the mother to her son!!!

republicans are just as bad now about hating being mothers

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mitt Romney's EGO

Mitt Romeny wasn't upset because Palin was named by Time mag for some title about being prettty...He was jealous it wasn't him being named!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

FREE TEA BAGS For Mitt Romeny

Lee Munder Capital Group Announces Alliance with Solamere Capital

Boston, MA – February 16, 2009

Lee Munder Capital Group (LMCG) announced today that it has formed an alliance with
Solamere Capital, LLC (Solamere), a private equity firm based in Lexington, Massachusetts.
Solamere Capital is a distinctive private equity firm founded in early 2008 by a group of
successful families and industry leaders to aggregate their relationships with top-tier private
equity firms, proprietary deal flow, and management expertise and resources. Solamere focuses
on two types of investments: investments in a select group of private equity funds, and direct
investments in operating companies. Tagg Romney, Eric Scheuermann and Spencer Zwick are the Managing Partners of Solamere, and John Miller serves as an Operating Partner for the firm.

Solamere also counts former governor Matt Blunt of Missouri among its Senior Advisors.

For full announcment see:

Lead Story is from the LATIMES

Second of two parts - Island tax havens factor into Romney's business success

By Bob Drogin
December 17, 2007

While in private business, Mitt Romney utilized shell companies in two offshore tax havens to help eligible investors avoid paying U.S. taxes, federal and state records show.

In the Cayman Islands, Romney was listed as a general partner and personally invested in BCIP Associates III Cayman, a private equity fund that is registered at a post office box on Grand Cayman Island and that indirectly buys equity in U.S. companies. The arrangement shields foreign investors from U.S. taxes they would pay for investing in U.S. companies.

For a good read, please read the article at: